Monday 2 July 2012

Day 17

Erghh its raining AGAIN! I had a bad night last night, I think the realy strong pain killers are having an odd effect on me, when I was dropping off I kept thinking I was going to stop breathing so I didn't let myself go to sleep...silly I know. There is another downside, I think I'm better so I'm a bit rough with moving and realise I am in pain when for instance I lift my leg to simply put it into my trousers and it really hurts :(

Tummy cramps are under control with the two lots of pills I'm taking which is a godsend. I am getting irritated with the housework (I mean the real spring cleaning sort of housework) that needs doing. It's really hard to ignore it!

I watched the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel at the weekend, it really touched me that film, I think it is one of the best I've seen. I thought, yes I would like to do that.....helped make me feel positive and has a real feel good factor. I absolutely love Judy Dench and Bill Nighy.

Thursday 28 June 2012

Day 13

So I cursed myself yesterday - I had a flippin migraine last night! I guess the HRT might not be the right sort after all, but I will deal with that another day.

I went back to visit my consultant today and he examined me - so there was I clinging on to the wall for dear life, he said that sometimes with an examination the blood clot will pop and I will miraculously feel better, well needless to say it hurt so much that he gave up on that idea. He has added another couple of days onto my antibiotics and given me some new pain killers, like I don't have enough already :D

They will see me again early next week to see how I am and if nothing has improved they will need to operate via keyhole AGAIN to drain it so the nasty old blood does not do serious harm. I am hoping it will clear itself as the thought of more keyhole gas in me is not appealing whatsoever. BUT, the pain right now is not fun at all so either way I hope it soon clears so I can start to feel human again.

Tomorrow it's Rose-Anna's prom and I really wanted to feel well for that......I will try to get that positive vibe back.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Day 12

So I have been to the hospital yesterday and today and I have a vault haematoma, that is a bruisey sort of thing, it may need to be drained or it may dissipate on its own, I have a further visit to my consultant tomorrow evening for him to decide the best course of action. I am told this is why I have been in pain and I have had a temperature, hence this is why I haven't been on here. I really have felt quite unwell, nausea, flu like symtoms and such pain when going to the loo. The radiologist tells me it is because the haematoma is pressing on all the nether regions which in turn causes the pain. Not fun I tell you.

The good news is all this poorlyness is helping with the weight loss, I know controversial but I don't care "every little helps".... isn't that some superstore strapline?

So I think I have also started to notice the HRT, I have spots darn it! My surgery asked me to make an appointment with them to discuss all future options as there are alternatives to HRT which might suit me more being a migraine sufferer an' all that, so we'll see.

If anyone has some good advise I'd love to hear it?

Saturday 23 June 2012

Day 8

Really not good, my tummy pains are worsening by the day, I dread going to the loo. I have looked on line and this is fairly normal apparently and something they don't tell you in hospital. It is very difficult to feel positive when you dread each visit to the bathroom. Some forums say it can take up to 6 weeks to feel normal again :(

I am tired and listless and finding it harder to be motivated....mmm this is not how I wanted it to go.

On the brighter side my lovely friend Emma came to visit me today and brought lunch and cheered my up all day. Love her!

I have constant belly pain currently and the stupid paracetamol and Ibruprofen that I can take aren't touching it, I wish there was something stronger I could take but my stupid body seems to react very badly to most stonger things.

Sorry no positive stuff today, maybe tomorrow


Friday 22 June 2012

One Week today since operation.

I had a bad day yesterday, very poorly belly and a bad headache all day so spent most of the day in bed. I did have a visit from one of my oldest friends and that cheered me up.

Today I feel fine, I actually had a reasonable nights sleep. I weighed myself this morning as the poor scales have missed me, they are used to me visiting once a week but that has not happened in a couple of weeks as the run up to this op was stressful and then of course this last week I've kinda been outta sorts :)

Well I have lost weight, but this I fear may be temporary as I really haven't been eating properly for a few weeks now but of course that will pass and I have not been exercising. I am now supposed to start taking little walks, and build up to 10 minutes then 15-20 and so on. I may start today by wondering up to the shop and back but will have to buy domestic stuff and not get tempted to buy yummy snack food which my tummy is starting to persuade me to do! This is not now an excuse to just eat and forget I need to keep in shape!

Yuk, I did not realise Allbran goes mushy if you leave it....bleugh yukky.

I'm having my stitches out today which will be lovely as they have been itching a bit and I'm one of those annoying people who can't leave well alone, so it is really hard not to scratch..I mean reallllllly hard!

Well it's 9am and I am going to go and have myself a positive day............

Thursday 21 June 2012

Rose-Anna came and plonked herself next to me last night and said "I have a womb mum, are ya jealous?"  hahahaha, I had to tell her off cos it hurts to laugh.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Day 6:

So woke today feeling somewhat ill. Had another rough night, decided to sleep in a bed last night, good idea yes? Well sort of...I kept having very hot sweats...oh and here it starts....but when I took the quilt off I went freezing cold so there I was tossing and turning all night, so yes Mike was not a happy chappy (although he was very polite about it) I also had a really upset tummy this morning to top everything off and felt sick. Well I guess ou can't have it all.

So came down for some breakfast to be sociable with Mike and burst in to floods of tears and sobbed and sobbed, I mean snot and everything, I said to Mike "I'm trying to be so positive as well and it's not working" (boo hoo) :D ...that'll be another hormone thing wont it.

So I had to make a decision, ruin my day with feeling awful and go back to bed and feel sorry for myself all day or get up and snap out of it, I thought in my wisdom to try the latter.

So off I trotted (metaphorically speaking since I can't trott just yet) instructed Rose-Anna to sit nearby whilst I showered, my hair felt hideous! I got dressed in day time clothes and even a bra! Go me. My wisdom paid off as I was starting to feel better already, even better still when I dried my hair and brushed and brushed it! I moisturised and plucked my eyebrows....yes I was feeling human again. What a feeling and I hadn't even had gaviscon.

To top all this off it is a lovely day today so I went to sit outside and instructed Rose-Anna how to hang washing on the line as until now I hadn't really seen how she does it, well lets just say she needed a little mummy guidance :)

Guess what, my lovely friends from work sent me a beautiful bunch of flowers today, could this day get any better?

So I've been taking Arnica and my Manuka honey each day without fail and I think it really does help, the bruising has really come out. the only thing I still struggle with is my appetite in that there is not much of one, but it will come.

I was reading an interesting article on line about Evening Primrose oil which I have lived on for years now but was unsure if I still needed it. Well did you know that its brilliant to take anyway as it is not just for hormone balance. But in said article it also talks about issues with lots of other things including endometriosis, well it seems that I could have been a lot worse if I had not been taking that then.
It can help with Diabetic nerve damage, MS, Osteoporosis, IBS, Raynauds disease, Chronic Fatigue and others.

Well here's hoping for the day to get better and better...see you next visit.